Please welcome Adam Levy to the fold... Methinks Mr. Levy may become a semi-regular fixture as a guest columnist in Oscar's world. Adam is a long (long long) time pal, a great little songwriter, and a world class gymnast. I could prattle on and on telling you about Adam - his love of gin and juice, his passion for mid-80s pop/funk (the Deele, anybody?), his unfortunate bout with vegetarianism (he has since been cured, praise Jesus), etc. etc... but let's just hear from the man himself:
I'm a guitar player. You might know me from my work with Norah Jones, or Amos Lee, or Tracy Chapman. Playing guitar is an odd way to make a living, but it's what I do and the job has its perks. Among the perks are the e-mails that friends frequently send me, with jokes about musicians. (Q: How can you tell when the stage is level? A: The drummer is drooling out of both sides of his mouth.)
Friends also e-mail me links to entertaining guitar-related YouTube videos. Some of the funniest I've seen, by far, are posted here: These videos feature guitarists known for their hot-shit playing -- guys such as Eric Clapton, Eddie Van Halen, and Steve Vai. The gag is, the dude who posted these clips has dubbed new audio tracks with appallingly bad guitar work, expertly synchronized with the original video. The results range from mildly amusing (Slash) to piss-in-your-pants funny (Jake E. Lee with Ozzy). What makes these work is that they parody the ridiculous culture of guitarist-as-demigod.
Not all of the stuff I get in my Inbox is humorous, though. In fact, someone recently sent me a link to some YouTube clips of my first guitar teacher, Jimmy Wyble. He's 85 and still playing fantastic stuff. Check this out: He's a lovely guitar player and truly unique in his style.
I had a point when I started to write this blog posting. I swear, I did. But now I've lost the thread. Was it that Jake E. Lee is a joke and that old jazz guys are no joke? No, that's not it at all. I just want people who aren't guitar players to be aware of some cool stuff I've found. If you're not a guitar player, nobody's gonna tell you about these things. But I just did.
—Adam Levy
08 October 2007
04 October 2007
And now for something a little more literary...
In an effort to bring more content - and more enjoyable content at that - to this blog o' mine, I have asked a few friends to contribute now and again...
I am pleased to welcome Canadian Craig Northey as the first to step forward with his lovely thinkpiece, below. It's better than anything I could/would write anyway...
Here is a picture of Craig. He writes great songs, has a lovely family, hangs out with a comedian or two, is a terrific speller, always calls at Christmas, and can't teepee a house worth shit (again, he's Canadian). Go visit him at tell him Oscar sent you.
(a Craig Northey Joint)
Dr.Dolittle could talk to the animals and that might be every child's dream. Why was that just doing little?
It was a 10-minute walk to the park. Through the mountainous gray chicken coops and corridors of exhaust in the West End and onto the goose shit covered trail ringing Lost Lagoon. He saw things in these terms. Whatever was good about a place was erased by the dirty commerce at its core and the dandruff on its shoulders. When he got to the Lagoon he had like-minded company in the nasty geese. Branta Canadensis. They talked to him. In truth they were always yelling. That was the one animal in Stanley Park that had truly learned how to push the boundaries. He once saw a goose, dissatisfied with the fact that a toddler had no seed to feed him, push the child into the water. All it took was one bum's rush. Gaggles had become mosh pits. The geese were the old punk rockers of the park and thus were just freeloaders when the commitment to anarchy had been finally neutered. Nihilists still need to eat but working for it is pointless. He guessed that this is what also happened to the hippies. They were back on Howe Street with new Hugo Boss threads, and every once in a while buying "red" products to soothe their battered consciences. Other old hippies lived in the park after dark and worked with only thought fragments, camp stoves and dirty hands. Other hippies hid in the suburbs and quietly invested in R.E.S.P.'s for their children. They drove what they considered to be practical and environmentally responsible cars. They recycled everything that the city told them they were allowed to recycle. They imbued their young with a "more realistic" sense of the democratic process and taught them how to cover their asses. These children of compromise were ten years ahead of the children of old-school punks as they headed into a work force filled with entry-level opportunities. Vancouver coffee shops struggled to find employees.
The man's idealism painfully welled up inside him every morning and he walked to the park to lose himself in "almost nature". He could relate to the animals that were almost wild. He found that, like the urban raccoon, he was living off the pocket change left over from the avails of prostitution. He guessed that the raccoons were far enough along in this evolution that the thought rarely crossed their tiny brains. They did not yearn to be truly wild because this lifestyle kept them alive much longer. Dark-age homo-erectus only lived to the age of thirty-five. Here in Vancouver you could make it to eighty-five through pure, animal cunning and a low stress level. There were free clinics and vitamin enriched food filled the dumpsters behind "the Bread Garden". Stay off the crack and watch your back. He was also almost wild. He and the animals used the illusion of free will to marginally maintain their souls. They could do what they wanted as long as the mulching machine kept leaving scraps on its plough through the jungle.
Today he walked to the heart of the park. Ironically this was the site of the abandoned zoo. As a child his grandparents took him here to watch the penguins swim around in tiny left-hand circles or the polar bears rocking from foot to foot in the ritual repetitive movements so common to anxiety disorders. His grandparents called it "dancing". Here teens could taunt a howler monkey into absolute tantrums or stare down a single clinically depressed Mandrill Baboon through a chain link curtain. The animals that didn't seem too human were still here in the "Amazon" exhibit or the Aquarium. The backlash had been strong enough that a Vancouver compromise had come down. Reptiles, a few birds and all the sea creatures could stay. They had no cute mammalian faces. It was also decided that the whales wouldn't be forced to do tricks on a regular schedule but would appear to do so of their own volition and because of their love for their trainers.
As a child he was most enthralled by the old men and women who sat on the zoo's park benches and had the "wild" animals come to them. There was the "Pigeon Lady" and the "Squirrel Man". Pigeon lady had at least two-dozen birds fluttering and strutting around her at all times. They would land on her shoulders and head and hands. Wherever she held food they would light. At times she almost wore them as clothing. The Squirrel Man would hold out peanuts in the shell and huge gray squirrels would run up, sit up on their haunches, and take them with their tiny paws. He could place peanuts on his knee or on the top of his head and the Squirrels would run up and grab them. The odd animal was comfortable enough to stop on his head and eat the nut right there.
If he stood close to the Pigeon Lady or the Squirrel Man the animals would allow him to do the same. On all his visits the scavenger messiahs would give him tips. Like any true professionals they were happy to share their secrets. They were happy to have the attention of wide-eyed youth. Stay very still. Think gentle thoughts. Always hold an open palm. The birds will land on an outstretched index finger if you wait long enough. Wear thick fabrics because you don't want to react to the tiny pricks of talons or claws. A bird will not peck at your eyes or face. Squirrels don't bite. Be patient. He copied the little "tasking" noise the Squirrel Man made by sucking little wisps of air through his teeth and tongue. The squirrels knew this meant, "Come here my friend I have food".
Sciurus Carolinensis are the medium to large sized tree squirrels (8 to 10 inches long with a bushy, 6 to 8 inch long tail, weighing 500 to 600 grams). Colouration ranges from a dark to pale grey body with white to pale grey underbelly and tail. The Black Squirrels abundant around here are a melanistic phase of the Eastern Grey Squirrel. Between 1876 and 1929 a pair were accidentally released from the London Zoo and the North American variant has run rampant through Europe ever since. Currently they are destroying Scottish forests and meeting little resistance. Black squirrels were imported from Ontario to Vancouver's Stanley Park Peninsula prior to 1914 and have since run amuck into the city, across to the North Shore and into the Fraser Valley. This big black species has driven out all the native chipmunks and smaller red squirrels. They are the pumped up Ninjas and beach bullies of the squirrel world. These black beauties are efficient climbers with tough curved claws, and the ability to reverse their hind foot 180 degrees to permit headfirst descent. Tails are used for balance when running and leaping between trees. He pondered the tails every day.
He had returned to this spot daily for the last eleven years, not really knowing why, and when Harold the original Squirrel Man fell on ill health and just disappeared he had become the Squirrel Man for this new generation. Although he didn't understand them in scientific terms he had plenty of time to quietly observe their behaviour. Science was unimportant. He related to them and understood what they wanted from each other and from him. He was a catalyst for accelerated symbiosis with human kind. He was close enough to them that he could often see his curved reflection in the orbs of their shiny black eyes. He had bested old Harold's trick of having the squirrels take the peanut shell from between his teeth. He had gained the animal's confidence to such a degree that he could close his hands around their torsos and gently stroke the curling plume of their tails. He did this only once or twice and then placed them at his feet so they could either scurry away with a nut or hang around for more. Tourists oohed and ahhed as if watching gentle fireworks. It was impressive. Tourists loved the creatures and marveled at their perceived domestication. The squirrels were emboldened by this love and would just as easily sit up and beg for food at the feet of any passerby. Many of them would impatiently run right up a pant leg if the patrons were too slow in dropping the peanuts or popcorn. These antics were met with gales of laughter.
Another, less visible, resident of the park was the common rat. Rattus Norvegicus. He saw them often but they were trying not to be seen. This place was perfect for them. Garbage cans were constantly full to the brim with old fries, popcorn, fruit and delicious condensed soda pop syrup. Other animals provided carrion, eggs and hatchlings for them to feast on and it was much better to sleep in the natural loam of the earth than in the attics of the West End condos. Leave that to the skunks and raccoons. If a tourist, or even a local, spied a rat their sensibilities were immediately offended. They were incredulous that, here on the edge of a giant sweaty city in a lush green park, rats might be lurking about. Wasn't that just a given? What were these idiots thinking? What was the difference between these creatures and the seagulls, pigeons, crows and squirrels? All of them carried potential diseases. All could be potential pets. He bet that there were more pet rats than there were pet squirrels. He thought of his place in the order of things and realized he was not much different than the scavengers of the park. He was tied to the organism of the city but used his theoretical independence to give more meaning to his life. He understood that this was a conceit. He was no freer than the rat. The park's visitors seemed to take their top of the food chain arrogance to heart. They were running their own shows. The yard could be well groomed and the pesticides and fumigators could make things just the way they should be in a civilized world. They were on holiday in a holiday destination and they were ready to rank this acreage out a scale of one to five stars. They would report back to their clubs and clans and cliques. Fuck them. He began to take umbrage. The anarchist spirit at the root of his malaise began to stir his guts. How could he be of use? How could he punch the Buddha in the face when he saw him on the road?
That night he went into the park at a time even the squirrels were not expecting. He brought plenty of nuts, a Mountain Equipment Co-op battery powered headlamp and a mint blue Phillips "Phillishave" HQ 6863 electric razor with sideburn trimmer. The creatures were happy to see him, as he had made sure not to feed them during the daytime. Any extra inconvenience on their part was easier to overlook in the face of hunger.
The next morning he approached his park bench with a permanent smile and some nervous excitement. He sat slowly and his animal friends began to arrive. As the tourists started to filter in the reaction began to build. At first one blood curdling scream and then a hailstorm of rhythmic shrieks and wails from all directions. It appeared just as he hoped it would appear. A man covered in huge black rats with legions of rat followers waiting at his feet. A few rogue rats begged at the feet of the visitors and all hell broke loose when the first one ran up a pant leg. They had needed the balance of the bushy tail to climb and to leap but they didn't need that balance for the easy pickings handed out by the Squirrel Man. Dr. Dolittle indeed.
I am pleased to welcome Canadian Craig Northey as the first to step forward with his lovely thinkpiece, below. It's better than anything I could/would write anyway...
Here is a picture of Craig. He writes great songs, has a lovely family, hangs out with a comedian or two, is a terrific speller, always calls at Christmas, and can't teepee a house worth shit (again, he's Canadian). Go visit him at tell him Oscar sent you.
(a Craig Northey Joint)
Dr.Dolittle could talk to the animals and that might be every child's dream. Why was that just doing little?
It was a 10-minute walk to the park. Through the mountainous gray chicken coops and corridors of exhaust in the West End and onto the goose shit covered trail ringing Lost Lagoon. He saw things in these terms. Whatever was good about a place was erased by the dirty commerce at its core and the dandruff on its shoulders. When he got to the Lagoon he had like-minded company in the nasty geese. Branta Canadensis. They talked to him. In truth they were always yelling. That was the one animal in Stanley Park that had truly learned how to push the boundaries. He once saw a goose, dissatisfied with the fact that a toddler had no seed to feed him, push the child into the water. All it took was one bum's rush. Gaggles had become mosh pits. The geese were the old punk rockers of the park and thus were just freeloaders when the commitment to anarchy had been finally neutered. Nihilists still need to eat but working for it is pointless. He guessed that this is what also happened to the hippies. They were back on Howe Street with new Hugo Boss threads, and every once in a while buying "red" products to soothe their battered consciences. Other old hippies lived in the park after dark and worked with only thought fragments, camp stoves and dirty hands. Other hippies hid in the suburbs and quietly invested in R.E.S.P.'s for their children. They drove what they considered to be practical and environmentally responsible cars. They recycled everything that the city told them they were allowed to recycle. They imbued their young with a "more realistic" sense of the democratic process and taught them how to cover their asses. These children of compromise were ten years ahead of the children of old-school punks as they headed into a work force filled with entry-level opportunities. Vancouver coffee shops struggled to find employees.
The man's idealism painfully welled up inside him every morning and he walked to the park to lose himself in "almost nature". He could relate to the animals that were almost wild. He found that, like the urban raccoon, he was living off the pocket change left over from the avails of prostitution. He guessed that the raccoons were far enough along in this evolution that the thought rarely crossed their tiny brains. They did not yearn to be truly wild because this lifestyle kept them alive much longer. Dark-age homo-erectus only lived to the age of thirty-five. Here in Vancouver you could make it to eighty-five through pure, animal cunning and a low stress level. There were free clinics and vitamin enriched food filled the dumpsters behind "the Bread Garden". Stay off the crack and watch your back. He was also almost wild. He and the animals used the illusion of free will to marginally maintain their souls. They could do what they wanted as long as the mulching machine kept leaving scraps on its plough through the jungle.
Today he walked to the heart of the park. Ironically this was the site of the abandoned zoo. As a child his grandparents took him here to watch the penguins swim around in tiny left-hand circles or the polar bears rocking from foot to foot in the ritual repetitive movements so common to anxiety disorders. His grandparents called it "dancing". Here teens could taunt a howler monkey into absolute tantrums or stare down a single clinically depressed Mandrill Baboon through a chain link curtain. The animals that didn't seem too human were still here in the "Amazon" exhibit or the Aquarium. The backlash had been strong enough that a Vancouver compromise had come down. Reptiles, a few birds and all the sea creatures could stay. They had no cute mammalian faces. It was also decided that the whales wouldn't be forced to do tricks on a regular schedule but would appear to do so of their own volition and because of their love for their trainers.
As a child he was most enthralled by the old men and women who sat on the zoo's park benches and had the "wild" animals come to them. There was the "Pigeon Lady" and the "Squirrel Man". Pigeon lady had at least two-dozen birds fluttering and strutting around her at all times. They would land on her shoulders and head and hands. Wherever she held food they would light. At times she almost wore them as clothing. The Squirrel Man would hold out peanuts in the shell and huge gray squirrels would run up, sit up on their haunches, and take them with their tiny paws. He could place peanuts on his knee or on the top of his head and the Squirrels would run up and grab them. The odd animal was comfortable enough to stop on his head and eat the nut right there.
If he stood close to the Pigeon Lady or the Squirrel Man the animals would allow him to do the same. On all his visits the scavenger messiahs would give him tips. Like any true professionals they were happy to share their secrets. They were happy to have the attention of wide-eyed youth. Stay very still. Think gentle thoughts. Always hold an open palm. The birds will land on an outstretched index finger if you wait long enough. Wear thick fabrics because you don't want to react to the tiny pricks of talons or claws. A bird will not peck at your eyes or face. Squirrels don't bite. Be patient. He copied the little "tasking" noise the Squirrel Man made by sucking little wisps of air through his teeth and tongue. The squirrels knew this meant, "Come here my friend I have food".
Sciurus Carolinensis are the medium to large sized tree squirrels (8 to 10 inches long with a bushy, 6 to 8 inch long tail, weighing 500 to 600 grams). Colouration ranges from a dark to pale grey body with white to pale grey underbelly and tail. The Black Squirrels abundant around here are a melanistic phase of the Eastern Grey Squirrel. Between 1876 and 1929 a pair were accidentally released from the London Zoo and the North American variant has run rampant through Europe ever since. Currently they are destroying Scottish forests and meeting little resistance. Black squirrels were imported from Ontario to Vancouver's Stanley Park Peninsula prior to 1914 and have since run amuck into the city, across to the North Shore and into the Fraser Valley. This big black species has driven out all the native chipmunks and smaller red squirrels. They are the pumped up Ninjas and beach bullies of the squirrel world. These black beauties are efficient climbers with tough curved claws, and the ability to reverse their hind foot 180 degrees to permit headfirst descent. Tails are used for balance when running and leaping between trees. He pondered the tails every day.
He had returned to this spot daily for the last eleven years, not really knowing why, and when Harold the original Squirrel Man fell on ill health and just disappeared he had become the Squirrel Man for this new generation. Although he didn't understand them in scientific terms he had plenty of time to quietly observe their behaviour. Science was unimportant. He related to them and understood what they wanted from each other and from him. He was a catalyst for accelerated symbiosis with human kind. He was close enough to them that he could often see his curved reflection in the orbs of their shiny black eyes. He had bested old Harold's trick of having the squirrels take the peanut shell from between his teeth. He had gained the animal's confidence to such a degree that he could close his hands around their torsos and gently stroke the curling plume of their tails. He did this only once or twice and then placed them at his feet so they could either scurry away with a nut or hang around for more. Tourists oohed and ahhed as if watching gentle fireworks. It was impressive. Tourists loved the creatures and marveled at their perceived domestication. The squirrels were emboldened by this love and would just as easily sit up and beg for food at the feet of any passerby. Many of them would impatiently run right up a pant leg if the patrons were too slow in dropping the peanuts or popcorn. These antics were met with gales of laughter.
Another, less visible, resident of the park was the common rat. Rattus Norvegicus. He saw them often but they were trying not to be seen. This place was perfect for them. Garbage cans were constantly full to the brim with old fries, popcorn, fruit and delicious condensed soda pop syrup. Other animals provided carrion, eggs and hatchlings for them to feast on and it was much better to sleep in the natural loam of the earth than in the attics of the West End condos. Leave that to the skunks and raccoons. If a tourist, or even a local, spied a rat their sensibilities were immediately offended. They were incredulous that, here on the edge of a giant sweaty city in a lush green park, rats might be lurking about. Wasn't that just a given? What were these idiots thinking? What was the difference between these creatures and the seagulls, pigeons, crows and squirrels? All of them carried potential diseases. All could be potential pets. He bet that there were more pet rats than there were pet squirrels. He thought of his place in the order of things and realized he was not much different than the scavengers of the park. He was tied to the organism of the city but used his theoretical independence to give more meaning to his life. He understood that this was a conceit. He was no freer than the rat. The park's visitors seemed to take their top of the food chain arrogance to heart. They were running their own shows. The yard could be well groomed and the pesticides and fumigators could make things just the way they should be in a civilized world. They were on holiday in a holiday destination and they were ready to rank this acreage out a scale of one to five stars. They would report back to their clubs and clans and cliques. Fuck them. He began to take umbrage. The anarchist spirit at the root of his malaise began to stir his guts. How could he be of use? How could he punch the Buddha in the face when he saw him on the road?
That night he went into the park at a time even the squirrels were not expecting. He brought plenty of nuts, a Mountain Equipment Co-op battery powered headlamp and a mint blue Phillips "Phillishave" HQ 6863 electric razor with sideburn trimmer. The creatures were happy to see him, as he had made sure not to feed them during the daytime. Any extra inconvenience on their part was easier to overlook in the face of hunger.
The next morning he approached his park bench with a permanent smile and some nervous excitement. He sat slowly and his animal friends began to arrive. As the tourists started to filter in the reaction began to build. At first one blood curdling scream and then a hailstorm of rhythmic shrieks and wails from all directions. It appeared just as he hoped it would appear. A man covered in huge black rats with legions of rat followers waiting at his feet. A few rogue rats begged at the feet of the visitors and all hell broke loose when the first one ran up a pant leg. They had needed the balance of the bushy tail to climb and to leap but they didn't need that balance for the easy pickings handed out by the Squirrel Man. Dr. Dolittle indeed.
25 August 2007
Evolution of the species
15 August 2007
24 July 2007
Clark & Michael dot com
Just click the link.
For the love of Pete, just click the link.
Clark & Michael
Now laugh, my friend. Laugh out loud. Dance like no one is listening - Sing like no one is watching - and laugh like no one is eating.
I love you all.
For the love of Pete, just click the link.
Clark & Michael
Now laugh, my friend. Laugh out loud. Dance like no one is listening - Sing like no one is watching - and laugh like no one is eating.
I love you all.
22 July 2007
Silver Threads and Flatheads
Indulge me in two musical interludes, won't you?
The first is a Ronstadt clip of her shaking her ass and belting out "Silver Threads & Golden Needles" at a concert in a men's prison from a show she did with Johnny Cash (which you can buy on cd and dvd)... if I can resurrect one of the most annoying catchphrases of the 90's: Schwing!
...and now for something completely different: The second is the video for The Fratellis' "Flathead"... I got their album (cd, sorry) almost exactly a year ago when I was in the UK - it took me a couple of months to give it a spin, and now I love it more and more every listen. You probably will recognize this tune from a recent iPod ad... I love this video...go buy the cd... it kinda rules (plus it's only $7.99... I mean, come on!).
Dance baby, dance...
The first is a Ronstadt clip of her shaking her ass and belting out "Silver Threads & Golden Needles" at a concert in a men's prison from a show she did with Johnny Cash (which you can buy on cd and dvd)... if I can resurrect one of the most annoying catchphrases of the 90's: Schwing!
...and now for something completely different: The second is the video for The Fratellis' "Flathead"... I got their album (cd, sorry) almost exactly a year ago when I was in the UK - it took me a couple of months to give it a spin, and now I love it more and more every listen. You probably will recognize this tune from a recent iPod ad... I love this video...go buy the cd... it kinda rules (plus it's only $7.99... I mean, come on!).
Dance baby, dance...
14 July 2007
13 July 2007
The five movies you meet in heaven, part four...
There are a lot of American comedies that deserve ranking here - not only because of the repeated (stone cold sober, I swear) viewings during my youth - because they are examples of some of the finest filmmaking this country has ever produced. Starting with anything by The Marx Brothers, Abbott & Costello, and the Three Stooges, all the way to "modern" classics Animal House, Fast Times, Stripes, Blazing Saddles, High Anxiety, The Blues Brothers, Caddyshack, Over the Top... the list goes on. But only one movie had Frau Blücher. And a super foxy Teri Garr. And Marty Feldman, Gene Wilder and Peter Boyle. And the definitive reading of "Puttin' On The Ritz" (sorry Taco).
Mel Brooks, hilarious, Black & White, and annoyingly quotable ("put the candle back!")... what more do you want?
So, without further ado, ladies and gents... Young Frankenstein:
08 July 2007
The five movies you meet in heaven, part three...
Okay, here is installment #3... Yes it's two movies - but I am counting them as one (because anyone with a pulse would have to watch them both together...) It is my blog and I set the rules.
Did I mention that these flicks I'm endorsing are ranked in no particular order? Truth told, these Coppola films are at the very top of my personal list. Blah blah, blah blah blah. Blah blah.
No need for "reviewing" this dynamic duo, as each of you have already seen them (if this is not the case don't tell me, I don't want to know).
Watch them again. Repeatedly.
1. The Godfather (trailer):
1.5. The Godfather Part 2 (trailer):
I've yet to play the video game - but I want to. I don't have one of those new-fangled video gaming devices.
04 July 2007
The five movies you meet in heaven, part two...
I first saw this flick sometime in the mid-90s and it broke my mind into 4000 pieces. This 1962 film, by director John Frankenheimer, was so far ahead of it's time it's mindblowing (hence the aforementioned 'breaking my mind into 4000 pieces' observation). Based on a 1959 novel by Richard Condon and staring Laurence Harvey, Frank Sinatra, Janet Leigh, and, in the one of the creepiest roles every to have made the silver screen, Angela Lansbury (yup, Angela "The babe from 'Murder She Wrote'" Lansbury. Really)... In fact Lansbury's role landed her character the #21 spot ot the AFI's list of greatest screen villains.
It's really impossible to write anything about this flick without giving too much away - so let's just say if you like films about intrigue, conspiracies, drug trips, incest, violence, and women sexily clad in strategically placed oversized playing cards, then this is the movie for you.
Note that this cold war thriller was pulled from theatres shortly after its release as the unconventional storyline predated a significant event in US history. Allegedly all involved (Sinatra, the producers, the studio) were understandably uncomfortable by the coincidence and decided to lock this masterpiece away for over 20 years, re-emerging in 1988 as a theatrical re-release.
More importantly, the Manchurian Candidate is supposedly the first film to ever feature a karate fight scene. The good people in Hollywood, California had the sense to include a sample of the scene in the film's theatrical trailer... check it out. Also, in real life Lansbury was only three years older than on-screen son Harvey (she was what some might call a "handsome" woman).
This movie is amazing... the trailer below will give you even less information than I did... but, trust me, the unpredictability of it is part of the fun. Jonathan Demme made a decent remake in 2004 that's worth a rental.
The Manchurian Candidate Trailer:
02 July 2007
The five movies you meet in heaven, part one...
Let talk films, shall we? Okay, listen, it's simple: Jack Lemmon was one of the greatest actors to ever live. Period. Tho his dramatic work was incredible ("Glengarry Glen Ross" anyone? "Days of Wine & Roses"? "Missing"?), he was easily one of the greatest comedic actors of all time. If you have never seen the 1970 flick "The Out of Towners" then run, don't walk, and BUY IT! One of the funniest - and most uncomfortable - films of all time. Waaaaay before the world was introduced to Larry David, Jack Lemmon perfected lovable social awkwardness in harried businessman George Kellerman. Watch the scene below... if you don't run out and watch the movie then you love Dane Cook, James Blunt, and Will Ferrell in Bewitched. Bonus for those who watch the film: look for a cameo by a very young Lando Calrissian. AND DO NOT be fooled by the allegedly and assuredly shitty 90's remake with Steve Martin and Goldie Hawn - unless, of course, you love Mr. Cook, Mr. Blunt, et al.
And the man kept his sense of humor until the very end. Below is a genuine pic of Lemmon's tombstone. God Bless you Jack Lemmon, wherever ye may be...
11 June 2007
Convinced the rapidly erratic weather patterns across the globe (melting polar ice caps, snow in Malibu, etc.) is the strongest argument for a call to environmental arms? Think again... if you want to really get a taste of the horrors brought about by our raping of the planet then Netflix® the 1972 horror chestnut "Frogs."
"Frogs" stars Ray Milland as crotchety wheelchair-bound Southern patriarch Jason Crockett (who hates the environment almost as much as Dick Cheney hates puppies), who assembles his (dysfunctional) family for his own birthday celebration at his swampside island mansion. The rapidly growing frog population around his property has him pretty pissed off ("With all our technology and all my money we still can't get rid of these frogs!")... and, apparently, the amphibian community has been listening to him spew his bile as they begin to take out the party guests one by one. The frogs aren't the only ones attacking - snakes, alligators, lizards, spiders, and leeches all join in to contribute to the rising body count. Only Sam Elliott, as a stranded photojournalist (working on a piece about swampland pollution, natch), has the common sense to realize what is unfolding ("Frogs attacking windows? Snakes on chandeliers? Those aren't exactly normal things Mr. Crockett")... but will he be able to convince the insane Crockett and the others to escape the island in time? Crockett would rather continue to try to poison the slimy island inhabitants than listen to this environmental pussy ("The frogs are thinking now? The snails are planning strategy? They have brains as good as ours? Is that your point?"). Commit an hour and thirty minutes to watch the flick to find out what happens. I did. I know what happens. I feel a better person for the journey.
This film has everything... killer amphibians, interracial romance (this is 1972...), Ray Milland shooting a chandelier-hanging snake with a pistol, the obviously long-suffering granddaughter/70s babe pleading to her gold-digging louse of a mate to pay attention to her rather than "drinking in that speedboat all day and all night." Listen, don't get me wrong... this is a bad, bad movie... but in a good/bad kind of way. Sort of. I mean, I wouldn't spend the 10 bucks to buy the disc... I just felt like writing a blog, okay? Shoot me.
Think "The Birds" without Hitchcock (or a budget). Plus the film's official taglines are "Cold green skin against soft warm flesh...a croak...a scream" AND "Today the pond... tomorrow the world!" Really, they are.
Spiderman shmiderman.
Frogs. You've been warned. Enjoy the trailer:
30 May 2007
David Vandervelde
25 May 2007
Neil and Randy...
So, in my haste to put together my pretentious "check me out I listen to Thelonious Monk and The Beatles" diatribe, I omitted two of the greatest living songwriters on the planet: Neil Young and Randy Newman.
So, mea culpas all around... and I will say, with just a little smugness, that I am glad I grew up in a generation when you could hear cats like these on top 40 pop radio. Seriously, could you imagine "Heart of Gold" or "Old Man" - both bona fide hit singles - on a Top 40 station today? (answer: no, no you couldn't). "Heart of Gold" actually went to number one on the singles chart - maiking it the only time a Neil single would be on the top of the hit parade. Anyway, everything cost a nickel back then too... it also snowed as I walked uphill to go to school obviously, blah blah blah... Goddam kids today don't understand the struggle.
Anyway, sit back and enjoy the two videos below, won't you...? Thanks much.
So, mea culpas all around... and I will say, with just a little smugness, that I am glad I grew up in a generation when you could hear cats like these on top 40 pop radio. Seriously, could you imagine "Heart of Gold" or "Old Man" - both bona fide hit singles - on a Top 40 station today? (answer: no, no you couldn't). "Heart of Gold" actually went to number one on the singles chart - maiking it the only time a Neil single would be on the top of the hit parade. Anyway, everything cost a nickel back then too... it also snowed as I walked uphill to go to school obviously, blah blah blah... Goddam kids today don't understand the struggle.
Anyway, sit back and enjoy the two videos below, won't you...? Thanks much.
22 May 2007
Go ahead, I'd mock this post...
So, welcome to the most self-important post yet (ever? by anyone?). I'm sitting home watching the tube (and prepping to eat two of the aforementioned Trader Joe's Chicken Chili Verde Burritos) and my mind naturally turned to making a mental list of the albums I have listened to the most in my life. And episodes of Get Smart. And today's meal at lunch. Fucking A.D.D. What? Never mind...
Anyway, forgive the indulgence... but there are literally a handful of albums that I could not live without... and since I never did one of those "desert island" lists, I felt somehow compelled to make one... Feel free not to give a shit about what follows... I probably wouldn't.
THE BEATLES "Meet the Beatles": Predictable? Probably. But like many others, it all started here for me. Pop music that was like candy - I literally listened every day. Several times. Easily the record I have listened to most in my life. Don't like the Beatles? Think they were overrated? Blow me.
FRANK SINATRA "Sings for Only the Lonely":
I actually can't remember how I first heard this. I think it must have been at my pal Adam's in high school. Adam was my record buddy... we constantly listened to music together. Learning pop, country, soul, funk, rock, punk, and jazz. I rejected jazz - i didn't get it. I went to an Ornette Coleman concert at the Palace when I was 19 (again, probably with Adam) and it literally gave me a headache. So, unconsciously really, I kind of backed into jazz through vocal standards. This Sinatra/Nelson Riddle disc is probably one of the most romantic albums ever made - perfect for bliss and heartache. Although I actually am a much bigger Tony Bennett and Dean Martin fan when it comes to that era's singers, Frankie easily made one of the most powerful records of his time. As for my pal Adam... he was and is an incredible guitarist. He went on to have a really nice career making music. He is still one of my best pals. I'm a lucky guy.
THE CLASH "London Calling": In 1982 I ditched school with a bunch of pals to go see The Who play at the Colosseum - with the Clash as the primary opening act... I knew very little about the Clash. Sad to admit, but true. I knew a couple of songs, but I had never listened to an entire album. Seeing the band was one of those "nothing is going to be the same after this" moments. The world's greatest live rock & roll band? Probably.
LINDA RONSTADT "Heart Like a Wheel": We got my brother this record for his birthday when it came out... I remember going with my folks to the mall record store (the Wherehouse?) to buy this. There was a huge poster display on the wall. That night he got in a fight with his then fiance, Terry (now his wife), after too passionately confessing his crush on the lady on the cover. "You're No Good" and "When Will I Be Loved" were all over the radio... country and rock from the same singer (the tag alt-country didn't exist yet)... who was incredibly sexy. I learned more about songs from this record than anywhere else - I heard songwriters Hank Williams, the Everly Brothers, Lowell George, Spooner Oldham and Dan Penn, JD Souther, and others for the first time. It led me to records by Johnny Cash, the Everlys, Emmylou, the Stones, Gram and the Burritos, and the Byrds. Her voice blew my mind - it still does. Tho selling several million copies (and nabbing a few Grammy's, I think), it remains one of the most under-appreciated albums of it's era. Can always put me in a good mood. A perfect record. Most of my friends know I'm a massive LR fan... this is why.
REM "Life's Rich Pageant": I definitely used to be a much bigger REM fan than I am now... but I still listen to this record constantly. Not a clunker in the batch in my opinion. A favorite while driving. Buy it if you don't have it.
NICK LOWE "Labour of Lust": "Cruel to be Kind" was a hit on the radio, so I bought this record... then Nick Lowe changed my life. One of the most important artists and songwriters to me as a teen and today. The Jesus of Cool indeed.
THE PRETENDERS "The Pretenders": Also purchased because of a hit single ("Brass in Pocket") and because I read that Nick Lowe produced one track (the Kinks' "Stop Your Sobbing")... this record, much like X's "Under the Big Black Sun" and the earlier-referenced Clash show, absolutely changed everything I thought I knew about music. Plus, I never heard a girl singer say "Fuck" before. And once I figured out that she was saying "I shot my mouth off and you showed me what that hole was for" I was totally shocked. So I listened to it every day for years. One of the best chick singers on the planet.
THELONIOUS MONK "Alone in San Francisco": Adam had me get this as my very first jazz record. It made me realize that I could understand and enjoy jazz. I love buying this record for people who also suffer from what we'll call "jazz panic". It's incredible.
THE ROLLING STONES "Exile on Main Street": Another predictable entry. But the funnest, rawest record I had ever heard when it entered my consciousness. "Tumbling Dice" is by far my favorite Stones tune. And "Happy" makes me just that...
BEACH BOYS "Pet Sounds": Another obvious choice. But this record has actually driven me to (happy and sad) tears on more than one occasion... "God Only Knows" is the single most romantic song ever written. Ever.
X "Under the Big Black Sun": X means everything to me. The sound of "Hungry Wolf" coming out of the radio for the first time is one of my happiest memories. Seriously, it is. Love at first sight with this one.
Well, that's it... I am a pretentious fuck who likes the smell of my own farts. Not really. Just a little... maybe.
Anyway, forgive the indulgence... but there are literally a handful of albums that I could not live without... and since I never did one of those "desert island" lists, I felt somehow compelled to make one... Feel free not to give a shit about what follows... I probably wouldn't.
THE BEATLES "Meet the Beatles": Predictable? Probably. But like many others, it all started here for me. Pop music that was like candy - I literally listened every day. Several times. Easily the record I have listened to most in my life. Don't like the Beatles? Think they were overrated? Blow me.
FRANK SINATRA "Sings for Only the Lonely":
I actually can't remember how I first heard this. I think it must have been at my pal Adam's in high school. Adam was my record buddy... we constantly listened to music together. Learning pop, country, soul, funk, rock, punk, and jazz. I rejected jazz - i didn't get it. I went to an Ornette Coleman concert at the Palace when I was 19 (again, probably with Adam) and it literally gave me a headache. So, unconsciously really, I kind of backed into jazz through vocal standards. This Sinatra/Nelson Riddle disc is probably one of the most romantic albums ever made - perfect for bliss and heartache. Although I actually am a much bigger Tony Bennett and Dean Martin fan when it comes to that era's singers, Frankie easily made one of the most powerful records of his time. As for my pal Adam... he was and is an incredible guitarist. He went on to have a really nice career making music. He is still one of my best pals. I'm a lucky guy.
THE CLASH "London Calling": In 1982 I ditched school with a bunch of pals to go see The Who play at the Colosseum - with the Clash as the primary opening act... I knew very little about the Clash. Sad to admit, but true. I knew a couple of songs, but I had never listened to an entire album. Seeing the band was one of those "nothing is going to be the same after this" moments. The world's greatest live rock & roll band? Probably.
LINDA RONSTADT "Heart Like a Wheel": We got my brother this record for his birthday when it came out... I remember going with my folks to the mall record store (the Wherehouse?) to buy this. There was a huge poster display on the wall. That night he got in a fight with his then fiance, Terry (now his wife), after too passionately confessing his crush on the lady on the cover. "You're No Good" and "When Will I Be Loved" were all over the radio... country and rock from the same singer (the tag alt-country didn't exist yet)... who was incredibly sexy. I learned more about songs from this record than anywhere else - I heard songwriters Hank Williams, the Everly Brothers, Lowell George, Spooner Oldham and Dan Penn, JD Souther, and others for the first time. It led me to records by Johnny Cash, the Everlys, Emmylou, the Stones, Gram and the Burritos, and the Byrds. Her voice blew my mind - it still does. Tho selling several million copies (and nabbing a few Grammy's, I think), it remains one of the most under-appreciated albums of it's era. Can always put me in a good mood. A perfect record. Most of my friends know I'm a massive LR fan... this is why.
REM "Life's Rich Pageant": I definitely used to be a much bigger REM fan than I am now... but I still listen to this record constantly. Not a clunker in the batch in my opinion. A favorite while driving. Buy it if you don't have it.
NICK LOWE "Labour of Lust": "Cruel to be Kind" was a hit on the radio, so I bought this record... then Nick Lowe changed my life. One of the most important artists and songwriters to me as a teen and today. The Jesus of Cool indeed.
THE PRETENDERS "The Pretenders": Also purchased because of a hit single ("Brass in Pocket") and because I read that Nick Lowe produced one track (the Kinks' "Stop Your Sobbing")... this record, much like X's "Under the Big Black Sun" and the earlier-referenced Clash show, absolutely changed everything I thought I knew about music. Plus, I never heard a girl singer say "Fuck" before. And once I figured out that she was saying "I shot my mouth off and you showed me what that hole was for" I was totally shocked. So I listened to it every day for years. One of the best chick singers on the planet.
THELONIOUS MONK "Alone in San Francisco": Adam had me get this as my very first jazz record. It made me realize that I could understand and enjoy jazz. I love buying this record for people who also suffer from what we'll call "jazz panic". It's incredible.
THE ROLLING STONES "Exile on Main Street": Another predictable entry. But the funnest, rawest record I had ever heard when it entered my consciousness. "Tumbling Dice" is by far my favorite Stones tune. And "Happy" makes me just that...
BEACH BOYS "Pet Sounds": Another obvious choice. But this record has actually driven me to (happy and sad) tears on more than one occasion... "God Only Knows" is the single most romantic song ever written. Ever.
X "Under the Big Black Sun": X means everything to me. The sound of "Hungry Wolf" coming out of the radio for the first time is one of my happiest memories. Seriously, it is. Love at first sight with this one.
Well, that's it... I am a pretentious fuck who likes the smell of my own farts. Not really. Just a little... maybe.
19 May 2007
17 May 2007
Some blogs are bigger than others...
My pal and coworker Josh and I were both independently inspired to start blogs... when I visit his page today (Married... with Blogen) to read his highly publicized first entry I discover something... the kid has written a great think-piece touching on Uncle Tupelo, hippies, and Syd Barrett-era Pink Floyd, all tying nicely into a tale of a Band of Horses DNA split. I, on the other hand, have posted three YouTube videos and a picture of Brown Sugar Cinnamon PopTarts.
What we have here, ladies and gents, is a full-on case of Blog envy. I mean, I have stuff to say... loads of stuff. Why, just try it sometime without telling me... you know, just bring up a "topic" and watch me riff... politics, television, infections, pop tarts, you name it. But, somehow, trying to write something deep and profound on my very first blog site is no easy task. Pressure is on, and I am shooting literary blanks.
Soooooo... here is alls I got:
1. TV is good. It is not cool to say you don't watch it.
2. Trader Joe's has excellent Chicken Chili Verde burritos (wrap in a paper towel, 90 seconds on high, flip, repeat. I recommend La Victoria medium green taco sauce to complete the experience. Delicious.).
3. Dane Cook is NOT funny. Nor is Karl Rove.
4. The movie the 300 sucked balls. So did this season of 24, unfortunately.
5. LA punk rock is waaay better than NY punk rock (unless you are really into drum circles and world music. See "David Byrne," below).
6. Smoking is bad... but delicious. And kids, it does make you look cool. You choose: cool or tracheotomy? You know what to do. Black lung, shmlack lung...
Somewhere in the distance a dog barked...
What we have here, ladies and gents, is a full-on case of Blog envy. I mean, I have stuff to say... loads of stuff. Why, just try it sometime without telling me... you know, just bring up a "topic" and watch me riff... politics, television, infections, pop tarts, you name it. But, somehow, trying to write something deep and profound on my very first blog site is no easy task. Pressure is on, and I am shooting literary blanks.
Soooooo... here is alls I got:
1. TV is good. It is not cool to say you don't watch it.
2. Trader Joe's has excellent Chicken Chili Verde burritos (wrap in a paper towel, 90 seconds on high, flip, repeat. I recommend La Victoria medium green taco sauce to complete the experience. Delicious.).
3. Dane Cook is NOT funny. Nor is Karl Rove.
4. The movie the 300 sucked balls. So did this season of 24, unfortunately.
5. LA punk rock is waaay better than NY punk rock (unless you are really into drum circles and world music. See "David Byrne," below).
6. Smoking is bad... but delicious. And kids, it does make you look cool. You choose: cool or tracheotomy? You know what to do. Black lung, shmlack lung...
Somewhere in the distance a dog barked...
13 May 2007
Making a difference.
7:30 am - feet on the floor
8:00 am - two pop tarts. brown sugar cinnamon, natch.
10:00 am - food buying excursion
11:30 am - freakbeat
1:00 pm - burrito
2:00 pm - couch
3:00 pm - feet on the floor, part deux
4:30 pm - rockaway
6:00 pm - los feliz/the unheard music/beer
9:00 pm - the echo/whiskey
9:45 pm - taix/salad/steak/fries
11:00 pm - sherbet
1:00 am - south park/news radio/tivo.
1:15 am - see "8:00 am"
1:57 am - three dog night/david vandervelde
8:00 am - two pop tarts. brown sugar cinnamon, natch.
10:00 am - food buying excursion
11:30 am - freakbeat
1:00 pm - burrito
2:00 pm - couch
3:00 pm - feet on the floor, part deux
4:30 pm - rockaway
6:00 pm - los feliz/the unheard music/beer
9:00 pm - the echo/whiskey
9:45 pm - taix/salad/steak/fries
11:00 pm - sherbet
1:00 am - south park/news radio/tivo.
1:15 am - see "8:00 am"
1:57 am - three dog night/david vandervelde
11 May 2007
Same As It Ever Was...
I really don't care much for that Blue Man Group. No siree. I bet David Byrne likes 'em tho.
I really don't care much for that David Byrne fellow.
I really don't care much for that David Byrne fellow.
08 May 2007
Flying Burrito Brothers - Christine's Tune (Devil in Disguise)
At some point I will actually write something... in the meantime...
07 May 2007
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