08 July 2007

The five movies you meet in heaven, part three...

Okay, here is installment #3... Yes it's two movies - but I am counting them as one (because anyone with a pulse would have to watch them both together...) It is my blog and I set the rules.

Did I mention that these flicks I'm endorsing are ranked in no particular order? Truth told, these Coppola films are at the very top of my personal list. Blah blah, blah blah blah. Blah blah.

No need for "reviewing" this dynamic duo, as each of you have already seen them (if this is not the case don't tell me, I don't want to know).

Watch them again. Repeatedly.

1. The Godfather (trailer):

1.5. The Godfather Part 2 (trailer):

I've yet to play the video game - but I want to. I don't have one of those new-fangled video gaming devices.

1 comment:

Michelle Auer said...

Here is my big NERD ALERT moment:
I used to be a part of a group of people (we will call it a "club" of sorts) that used to watch the Godfather movies over and over again and rewind and disect every conversation and every moment. It would take us an entire day just to get through one movie. We would do this while drinking Italian wine and eating yummy Italian food. Yup. I'm a nerd.